
  • Mindfulness,  Personal Development

    A Time of Acceptance & Opportunity

    It’s time for us to accept that this pandemic, and social isolation, are here for awhile. But in addition to that, our reality has changed, possibly for good. We’re in a new normal. Some things that have changed for many of us: A sense of restriction: We’re not able to do our usual things — not only work and school, but things like haircuts, dentists, coffee shops, restaurants, bars, shops and more. That can feel very restricted. Heightened uncertainty & anxiety: Things are incredibly uncertain right now, for all of us — for our health, the health of loved ones, the state of the world, the shaky economy, our individual…

  • Mindfulness,  Personal Development

    How To Tell If You Have A Fixed Mindset Or A Growth Mindset

    “If you look at what you have in your life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.”– Oprah Winfrey Your mindset is what compels you to take a certain action or leads you refrain from acting on something. Your mindset influences how you see yourself and those around you. The various types of mindsets can mean different things to each individual, regarding how and why you think like you do. Each mindset has benefits and drawbacks.  What kind of mindset do you have? The number of mindsets that exist is dependent on how much you generalize mindset. Finding your…

  • Habits,  Mindfulness

    6 Signs It’s Time To Change Your Mindset

    “The key to abundance is to stop needing more, and to start appreciating what you already have.” – Anonymous You’ve likely heard the buzz about how changing your mindset can lead to manifesting what you desire. It might sound a little “woo-woo” to you, and so you discount as something not for you. But, changing your mindset is a powerfully impactful practice that is grounded in reality. How do you know when it’s time to change your mindset? After all, you’ve been thinking the same way for as long as you can remember. Or maybe you’ve had rough patch and your attitude has gotten out of whack. When you start…

  • Mindfulness,  Personal Development

    Finding Joy Through Practicing Meticulous Attention

    All day long, we’re only giving anything a fraction of our attention. We’re distracted, multitasking, opening multiple browser tabs, checking phone messages and social media. I’m a part of this like anyone else. I’m not immune, and I don’t judge. This fractured, scattered, partial attention has many deleterious effects on our lives: We never really pour ourselves into any task, fully giving ourselves to the task. We can’t accomplish a craftsman-like devotion to our work. Our minds become frazzled, anxious, stressed from the constant rushing and switching. We never achieve any kind of peace and presence. By not giving our full attention to the person in front of us, we…

  • Mindfulness,  Productivity

    12 Strategies to Improve Focus & Increase Productivity

    You’d be surprised by how many people lose track of where their time goes. They might think they are focused on a single task, but are they really? One way to find out is to keep track of how you spend your time for a week. You might find out you’ve been wasting time on little things like checking Facebook once an hour.  Here are twelve strategies for improving your focus and increasing your productivity: 1. Track your time. Analyze the results after a week. Tweak and get rid of time wasters. 2. Plan your week. At the end of your week, find a quiet spot to plan out your…

  • Mindfulness,  Personal Development

    Why Journaling Is Good For Your Mental Health

    According to the American Psychiatric Association: “Journaling can provide general wellness and self-improvement benefits, such as making you more self-aware, boosting creativity and helping you build better habits. Journaling can help you better understand your feelings and emotions and help you manage stress. Writing about things that have frustrated or upset you can help you to let go of some of the stress and gain perspective.” Let’s further explore some of the mental health benefits you’ll enjoy when you make journaling a regular practice. Boosts Your Mood – If you really want to boost your mood, keeping a gratitude journal is where it’s at. All you have to do is…

  • Mindfulness,  Personal Development

    9 Tips to Make Journaling Part of Your Daily Routine

    The way to ensure that journaling works for you is to do it long term. Long-term journaling gives you more insight into your life because you’ll be able to look to the past, present, and even the future to get answers in your life. But first, you have to actually do it. And you need to do it daily to make it a habit. Let’s review a few tips for making journaling part of your daily routine: Make It Easy – Don’t make journaling too big of a deal. Keep it simple and it will be simpler to get done. Find the simplest routine you can incorporate each day and…

  • Mindfulness,  Personal Development

    Using Journaling to Cope & Thrive During Social Distancing

    READ MORE ABOUT JOURNALING HERE: 9 Tips to Make Journaling Part of Your Daily Routine 10 Journaling Styles Why Journaling Is Good For Your Mental Health While staying safe at home during quarantine, it’s perfectly normal for you to go through a gamut of feelings. You may experience fear, loneliness, isolation, uncertainty, hope, ambivalence, and a whole host of other emotions. These feelings and emotion can be difficult to deal with. This is when a daily journaling practice can become massively helpful. Getting your thoughts and feelings out on paper is a great way to release all of those things you’ve been holding on to. It’s also a great way…

  • Mindfulness

    4 Mindfulness Practices You Need Right Now

    In the middle of the chaos of the world right now, what can we do to take care of ourselves? Let’s talk about a handful of simple mindfulness practices that can be helpful. Breathe deeply into the belly. This is one to start with, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. We get caught up in our heads, stuck in a cycle of thoughts that are rarely very helpful. So to get out of our heads and into our bodies, we can do deep breathes, into the deepest part of our bellies. Do several breaths like this, maybe for 30-60 seconds if you have time. This not only…

  • Mindfulness,  Personal Development

    Staying Productive & Positive While Working At Home

    In these unprecedented times, we are all experiencing a major disruption to our daily lives. Whether that’s working from home for the first time, helping our kids get in a full school day from home, or just finding the mental fortitude to get through another day of disheartening news, we have to adjust to a new, albeit temporary, normal. There are three key things you can focus on to keep your days running productively and positively, regardless of your current situation. Maintain a daily schedule and routine. Focus on what you can control. Stay mentally and physically engaged. Maintain a daily schedule and routine. Maintaining a daily schedule and routine…