Mindfulness,  Personal Development

Staying Productive & Positive While Working At Home

In these unprecedented times, we are all experiencing a major disruption to our daily lives. Whether that’s working from home for the first time, helping our kids get in a full school day from home, or just finding the mental fortitude to get through another day of disheartening news, we have to adjust to a new, albeit temporary, normal.

There are three key things you can focus on to keep your days running productively and positively, regardless of your current situation.

  1. Maintain a daily schedule and routine.
  2. Focus on what you can control.
  3. Stay mentally and physically engaged.

Maintain a daily schedule and routine.

Maintaining a daily schedule and routine is a great way to help you sustain a level of normalcy and productivity throughout your day while you are at home and practicing social distancing.

Here are some tips to help you design and maintain an impactful schedule:

  • Don’t over-pack your schedule! Just plan out the 5 or 6 things that will have the biggest impact. You’ll get overwhelmed and frustrated if you try to plan too much.
  • Focus on the items that are most needed for each day to keep you moving forward in a productive way.
  • Include time for self care.
  • Include time for your family.
  • Use an app to help keep you on track. The Success Wizard app is designed to help you plan your goals, habits and routines in a positive, impactful way. It’s a great way to keep yourself grounded and on-track.

Focus on what you can control.

As much as you might want to be in control of everything, it’s physically impossible. And, with this current climate, there’s just so much outside of your control and things are changing on a daily basis.

This graphic does a great job of breaking down the things you can and can not control right now. Study it, acknowledge those things outside of your control, and then give yourself permission to stop worrying about them.

Stay mentally and physically engaged.

Just because you may shutdown from going about your normal activities doesn’t mean you need to shut down your brain or body! In fact, this is a great time to read a book, take an online course, pick up a new hobby, and/or start a new exercise regimen.

There are many great things that you can do by yourself or with your family. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

The Success Wizard App can help you every step of the way as you focus on building new habits, scheduling your days and maintaining a sense of normalcy and inspiration in the weeks and months ahead.

We send you all our best wishes during this difficult time. Stay healthy, stay positive, and stay active. We are all in this together and we will get through it!