
  • Habits,  Productivity

    How High Performers Manage Their Time

    High performers always looking to take themselves to the next level. And they’re always wanting to make the most of their time. The key to how to make the most of your time, if you’re a high performer, is finding high-impact ways to leverage your limited time. Let’s take a look at some key ideas here. Our Time is Limited I find it important to reflect on death, on a regular basis. Just the simple fact that we will die someday … and we don’t know when. This helps us to remember that life is short and precious, and to resolve to make the most of this gift. As a…

  • Habits

    The Benefits of Strict Habits

    Some habits are more fragile than others. Once established, some habits are very delicate. If you miss a day or try to alter them, it’s easy to knock them out of place completely and see them fade out. Other habits are more resilient. You can push and prod them, change them in different ways, and they still stick pretty well. At the extreme they act like borderline addictions – it’s harder to stop doing them than to keep doing them. For me early rising is a relatively fragile habit. I need to be strict with it to keep it in place. I can let myself sleep in a little later very…

  • Habits

    Habits & the Simplicity of Discipline

    The clients I work with almost all put incredible expectations on themselves — they have higher standards than almost anybody I know. It’s why they work with me. It can be hard to see, but the expectations they’ve set for themselves often stand in the way of what they want the most. It’s hard to see, because they became successful because of those expectations. It’s what got them this far. But after a certain point, the expectations become the anchor, not the engine. The breakthrough to the next level for many of us who perform at high levels — and actually for people of all kinds — is to let go of…

  • Habits,  Productivity

    4 Simple Productivity Habits

    If you often find yourself wishing you could get more done, you’re not alone. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. How do some people manage to get so much done? They adopt simple productivity habits to keep them on track and moving forward. Whether you want to do more in the same amount of time, need more motivation for getting stuff done, or are looking to reduce the amount of time you waste in a day, these simple productivity habits can help you improve your time management so that you can get more done each day.  Habit #1: Keep Your Desk Decluttered While creativity can arise…

  • Habits,  Personal Development,  Success

    10 Signs You Are A Strategic Thinker

    Have you ever wondered if you are a Strategic Thinker? Read on for the top 10 signs which exemplify the characteristics of strategic thinkers. Strategic thinking is a type of mindset, a soft skill if you will, that requires you to analyze the present to shape the future for yourself and your organization. Look for the following signs to help you see what attributes a strategic thinker has. 10 Characteristics of Strategic Thinkers You are inclined to self-reflect. You find yourself regularly reflecting on tasks you’ve already completed, conversations you’ve had or the experiences you hoped would have gone differently. Strategic thinkers can take apart an event after it’s over…

  • Habits,  Productivity

    The Power of Daily Reminders

    Originally published by Steve Pavlina I normally review my quarterly goals each morning, which is a good habit for staying focused on them throughout the quarter. One new habit I’ve started is to also review a daily reminders list. This is a list of good practices that I want to refresh in my mind each morning, so I can remember to practice them. The reminders list is good for habits that are difficult to anchor to just one time of day. This can include mindsets, frames, values, and practices that I may want to embody throughout the day. The list is very flexible though, so I can also use it…

  • Habits,  Mindfulness

    6 Signs It’s Time To Change Your Mindset

    “The key to abundance is to stop needing more, and to start appreciating what you already have.” – Anonymous You’ve likely heard the buzz about how changing your mindset can lead to manifesting what you desire. It might sound a little “woo-woo” to you, and so you discount as something not for you. But, changing your mindset is a powerfully impactful practice that is grounded in reality. How do you know when it’s time to change your mindset? After all, you’ve been thinking the same way for as long as you can remember. Or maybe you’ve had rough patch and your attitude has gotten out of whack. When you start…

  • Habits,  Productivity

    Why Focus is Important for Your Productivity

    Why is being focused so important in today’s world? What results happen when you are focused? Does being focused make you less stress? Happier? If it’s so important, why don’t people focus more? Being focused on one thing for a certain period of time allows you a better quality of work which means that more work gets done and your creative ideas flow easier. Being focused on one task at a time is less stressful on your mind. And being less stressed allows you be happier. It’s difficult for people to remain focused on one task for a variety of reasons. For one, we live in a world where we…

  • Habits,  Personal Development

    10 Journaling Styles

    Did you know there are several different types of creative journaling? It does not have to be a one-size-fits-all proposition. If you’re looking to nurture and boost your self-reflection and creativity, it can be beneficial to experiment with different styles of journaling. Bullet Journals – This type of journaling is useful for anyone who has lots of to-do lists, loves using a pen and paper, and who enjoys goal tracking. Your journal should have a table of contents that you create as you add to the journal so you can find things. You’ll use symbols, colors, and lines to make your bullet journal. You should be able to understand at…

  • Habits

    6 Powerful Habits to Try Again

    We try to form some powerful habits, and they work for a little bit, until they fall off. But we can always come back. In fact, coming back to a habit might be the most powerful habit of all. Coming back, over and over again, just like we return to the breath, over and over again, after letting our minds wander. It’s the nature of our minds to fall off habits. Sometimes it takes a dozen attempts before it really clicks. Sometimes more. Falling off the habit isn’t a problem — it’s just a part of the experience of shifting patterns. The problem is that we think we should never fall off…