
  • Goals,  Personal Development

    The Magic of a Fresh Start

    One of the biggest obstacles to sticking with a habit change, a new system, a goal or long-term project … is that we get disrupted. Something interrupts our progress — we skip a workout day or two — and then some programming in our brains turns that into a message of how we’re not good enough, we can’t do it, we should just give up. This stops so many people from making long-term progress. It stops us from simply starting again. This is because most of us don’t realize the power and magic of a Fresh Start. A Fresh Start is when we get to start anew, with a blank slate.…

  • Goals,  Personal Development

    Honoring Your Hidden Goals

    When you look back on the past calendar quarter, consider what you actually got done, even if your actions and behaviors didn’t align well with your stated goals. Your time went somewhere, so where did it actually go? Use the lens of seeing everything you did as an accomplishment, even if your main achievement was watching Game of Thrones. Instead of beating yourself up for what you didn’t do, take a deeper look at what you did do. So then your achievements might actually look like: Watch Game of Thrones. Spend two hours per day on Facebook. Exercise sporadically, averaging about 30 minutes per week, mostly Yoga with Adriene videos. Gain 10 pounds of…

  • Goals,  Success

    How to Build Success Momentum

    Follow these tips to help you achieve your goals and build success momentum. 1. Take action steps. No goal is achieved without taking action. It is vital you get out of your head and into your heart and then into action. Without consistent, measurable actions, your success remains nothing but a dream.  2. Take small steps and bite size tasks. It is important not to get over zealous with your goals or to take on too many at the same time. Start with one or two goals and a set of actionable and measurable milestones.  3. Have an accountability partner. There’s nothing like a best friend, collaborator or partner. He…

  • Goals,  Productivity

    Stay Focused on Meaningful Tasks

    If you’re in a situation (job, life, family, etc) where you could be doing a thousand things on any given day, finding a way to stay focused on meaningful tasks can become a big problem. We want to do too much. Today I’d like to talk about this hard problem faced by anyone doing meaningful work. If you don’t tackle this challenge, you’ll be left feeling scattered and unfocused, overwhelmed and disconnected. If you can take it on … you can create an experience of getting meaningful things done. How does that sound? Let’s dive in. Staying Focused on Meaningful Tasks I don’t think I need to go too much…

  • Goals

    Avoid These Goal Traps

    A goal trap is something that keeps you from making progress toward, and ultimately achieving, a goal. Read through this list of tricky traps to avoid, which can reduce the effectiveness of goal setting. Deferred Decisions A goal is a decision and a commitment. Setting goals can be uncomfortable because you’re narrowing your options and tightening your focus, and it’s common to try to keep your options open by pretending to commit. A common way to water down your goals is by defining a goal as a decision to be made and thereby not really committing yourself. A telltale sign that you’re doing this is if your goal includes words…

  • Goals,  Success

    Aim Big: How to Build Success Momentum

    Building success momentum is a great way for you to achieve goals and create the life that you’ve dreamed of. How to Achieve Goals Once and for All Follow these tips to help you achieve your goals and build success momentum. Action steps – no goal is achieved without this first important step. It is vital you get out of your head and into your heart and then into action. Without small, measurable action steps, your success remains nothing but a story.  Small steps and bite size pieces – it is important not to get over zealous with your goals and do not take on too many at the same…

  • Goals,  Mindfulness

    Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

    We’ve heard a lot about getting out of our comfort zone. But have you ever thought about why you should? After all, our comfort zone is where we feel in control and safe. It’s where we can predict what will happen and how we will feel. There won’t be any surprises, that we can’t deal with.  So why would you feel compelled or even want to get out of your comfort zone? You need to do it because getting out of your comfort zone is the key to your personal growth and happiness. Stepping out of that zone helps you build up your self-confidence and the way you view yourself. …

  • Goals

    6 Ways to Focus on Your Goals

    When you purposefully focus on your goals, you are much more likely to successfully achieve them. Follow these 6 tips to help you keep your focus on track. Meditation Meditate on your goals. If you’re like most dreamers, your dreams are so big and so vast, you think about them and just as quickly, you put them aside because they are too big and too unrealistic. Rather than look at the big dramatic picture of your dreams, meditate on your goals.  If you wish to be a successful entrepreneur, meditate on the goals you need to put in place in order to achieve the dream. Sit quietly with the goals…

  • Goals,  Productivity

    How to Beat Overwhelm While Parenting During The Pandemic

    Ask any parent out there and they’ll echo the same sentiment – parenting during the pandemic is hard work! From helping our kids with online schooling to making sure they stay in touch with friends and family to keeping boredom at bay, we’re experiencing a whole new level of parenting. Yet we parents are battling our own pandemic realities and all of the fears and frustrations that go along with that. Honestly, it can be a recipe for overwhelm if we don’t stay out in front of everything.  Here are a few tips to help you plan and organize life with your kids’ at home so that you can beat…

  • Goals,  Personal Development

    Now Is The Time To Prepare For Something Great

    Considering that over ⅓ of the world’s entire population is currently under some kind of quarantine order, it’s highly likely that you (like me) are coming to terms with the reality that we are going to spend a LOT of time at home in the coming weeks. The level of concern and uncertainty we are all currently experiencing is unprecedented. It is a challenging time, for sure. But you know what’s great about challenges? They are meant to be met and overcome. Challenges force us to grow and look beyond ourselves. They provide an opportunity to rise up and break through the perceived limits of our strengths and capabilities. So,…