
Productivity Hacks to Up Your Daily Routine

Check out this round up of productivity hacks to help you get more done and supercharge your daily routine!

We’ve curated some recent articles that are just jam-packed with productivity hacks to help you find some new habits to implement in your day. Let’s get more productive!

You probably know a productivity tip or two, am I right? Sure you do, we all learn enough to get by in life because as long as something works we’re willing to use it.

But this also means we restrict ourselves to old tactics, even if they turn out to be sub-optimal.

You never cared to upgrade your methods.

And since we usually stick with the same old tactics, we stop the search for better ones. We don’t modify or seek improvement, because what we already do is “good enough.”

Improve your productivity with these 26 hacks.

But I’m guessing you want to do more than just “get by,” right? You won’t feel like you’ve actually accomplished something each day. You want to feel “complete.”

Well, this is where you can learn how.

Use these 26 productivity hacks and you’ll elevate your ability to get things done starting TODAY.

…read more at 26 Smart Hacks to Maximize Your Work Productivity on

Productivity is top of mind for any entrepreneur. Now that I’m a parent, productivity is even more crucial as my hours dedicated for working are a lot less. Having two children in tow means I have to be more intentional with my time. Whether you have kids, pets, community obligations, or anything else that can divide your time, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed too. So I reached out to Lana Shlafer, a mindset coach, to give me her top three mindset tips to productivity.

Here are three things you can do in under three minutes that will help you be more productive. 

…read more at 3 Productivity Hacks That Take Less Than 3 Minutes on

To maximise productivity, you have to change working habits and this is the most challenging aspect, especially when the workplace itself has formed these habits into you and everyone around you.

Changing the habits of one person isn’t enough; you have to reprogram the group think of an entire organisation to remove resistance to widespread change.

One of the biggest problems with modern work culture is the emphasis on being busy. The kind of thinking that, if you’ve completed your to-do list then you clearly don’t have enough on your workload – but where does this mentality end?

It doesn’t.

The productivity hacks we’re looking at in this article are habits that modern teams and workers need to form and a lot of these are going to require you, collectively as a team, to break some established working practices and retrain the way your mind operates in the workplace.

…read more at 19 Productivity Hacks to Get More Done in 2020 on

Your ability to be highly productive is one of the key determining factors of your professional success. Those who are able to consistently produce high-quality results at a sustainable rate get ahead in business and life. I’d like to share 5 simple productivity hacks that you can apply right now to get more done in less time.

…read more at 5 Simple Productivity Hacks To Get More Done In Less Time on

The thing is, if you’re like most people, you can find extra time to do the things you truly want (and need).

It’s amazing how much time we waste in our average day if we’re brutally honest with ourselves. Ten minutes of checking Facebook notifications when you get to work, scrolling through Instagram for half an hour at lunch, reading up on the day’s news during the afternoon, the list goes on.

At the same time, while you may take pride in replying to every email as soon as you receive it, it does waste an awful lot of your time that could otherwise be used more effectively.

That’s why today, I’m sharing my list of 25 surprisingly impactful productivity hacks to help you be more productive in all areas of your life.

…read more at 25 Ways How to Be More Productive: Genius Productivity Hacks (Crowdsourced) from Top Entrepreneurs on

For even more reading on productivity hacks, check out our other productivity blog posts.