How to Build Success Momentum
Follow these tips to help you achieve your goals and build success momentum.
1. Take action steps. No goal is achieved without taking action. It is vital you get out of your head and into your heart and then into action. Without consistent, measurable actions, your success remains nothing but a dream.
2. Take small steps and bite size tasks. It is important not to get over zealous with your goals or to take on too many at the same time. Start with one or two goals and a set of actionable and measurable milestones.
3. Have an accountability partner. There’s nothing like a best friend, collaborator or partner. He or she will tell you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it. Having an accountability partner is one of the best ways to keep yourself in line, in check, and continually building positive momentum.
4. Hold yourself accountable. Conduct honest check-in sessions with yourself frequently. Make certain you ask yourself the hard questions and tell yourself the truth about why you didn’t do something. Don’t blame yourself. Instead, learn from the experience and take the necessary action steps to correct it.
5. Embrace self-discipline. You are solely responsible for making sure that you show up each day and continue to take the necessary action steps on the journey toward goal achievement. Understand that self-discipline takes practice and don’t beat yourself up if you slip off course. Just keep practicing and commit to yourself. The more you practice the art of self-discipline, the more easily it will be.
6. Be supportive of yourself. Watch your self talk and how you address yourself through inner dialogue. The better you talk to yourself, the better you’ll feel and the more prosperity you will experience in all areas of your life. Would you talk to your best friend the way you speak to yourself sometimes? Be kind and supportive of yourself.
Success Momentum – How to Incorporate it into Your Daily Life
Once you’ve got these skills, habits and mindsets in order, it’s time to keep up the momentum.
- Incorporate momentum in your daily life so it doesn’t overwhelm you. Find something to achieve every day towards your goal that makes you feel excited. When you are excited, you create your own momentum.
- Create a plan that will allow you to begin to notice momentum building up speed. But remember, you need to reign in that momentum otherwise you might get overzealous. You may find yourself veering off into several other ideas and creative endeavors. Create a plan of action as to where that momentum will carry you so it doesn’t carry you away.
- Believe in yourself. That belief in yourself is key to building, achieving and sustaining success.
- Consider the opinions and suggestions of others but let yourself make and own the final decision.
Failure can be Your New Best Friend
Fear of failure can make you freeze and is actually more damaging than failure itself. Once you get over your biggest fear and actually experience it, you will see it’s not necessarily such a negative experience as you once thought it was.
Understand the definition of failure – failure is being stuck, not taking action, not taking chances and not taking risks. Failing to try is the worst thing that you can do!

The Reward System
Create a reward system that works for you:
- Keep a journal. Every time you have success, write it down. Every time you have a challenge look at your journal and see exactly what you are made of and how you can overcome any obstacle.
- Whenever you reach a small goal, boast about it, whether in your journal, in your mind or with your biggest supporters.
- Tell others about your small successes along the way but don’t allow them to minimize your achievements.
- Allow yourself to treat yourself every time you achieve a goal. It doesn’t have to be big, but something that will make a connection in your brain that achieving goals reaps rewards.
Embrace These Core Success Momentum Habits
1. Choose your goals carefully. Focus on those that are truly important to you and will make a significant impact on your life..
2. Small steps and consistent progress.
3. Celebrate success both personally and with others.
4. Review your progress and be mindful of what hasn’t worked so you can figure out a new strategy.
5. Write your plan down and carry it with you – use an app if necessary.
6. Technology works wonders toward helping you achieve goals. Make sure you are leveraging it to its full potential.
7. Make a decision and stick with it. If it doesn’t work, change your plan – don’t beat yourself up.
8. Always be in action and moving forward; don’t sit in analyzing mode for too long.
9. Stay focused on the target and keep moving.
10. Delegate when possible.
11. Learn to say no when necessary to stay focused.
12. Kick procrastination to the curb. Reward yourself for every step, no matter how small.
13. Keep a journal and document your journey.

One Comment
Very stimulating. I write about such things too, yet, you really reach the heart. Thankyou. Your article helped me as I have been overwhelmed since Hurricane Sally. We have trees still uprooting and falling and no way to get them taken down. It is scarey. I will try and figure it out with your goal setting. Thankyou for your article.