Mindfulness,  Personal Development,  Success

Developing a Success Mindset

A success mindset puts you in the right frame of mind to achieve your life’s goals and ambitions. When your mindset is right, everything else tends to fall into place. But, developing a mindset geared for success can sometimes require work.

We’ve curated some helpful articles designed to make the process easier for you. Equip yourself with the knowledge you need to develop a success mindset and you’re halfway there!

According to research, most of us are far more comfortably harping on our shortcomings than giving ourselves compliments. So, rather than defaulting into auto-pilot mode and letting your self-saboteur take over, practice getting comfortable spending time in a winning mindset so that you’re ready to face those big moments feeling—and acting—like a champion.

…read more at Picturing your own success can make you more successful on QZ.com

In The Magic of Thinking Big, author David Schwartz gives suggestions to help you develop creative power through belief. He writes, “Eliminate the word impossible from your thinking and speaking vocabularies. Impossible is a failure word. The thought ‘It’s impossible’ sets off a chain reaction of other thoughts to prove you’re right.” He then advises us to think of something we’ve been wanting to do but felt we couldn’t, and make a list of the reasons why we can do it. When we start thinking big and believing things can be done, our minds start working for us to find solutions to our problems.

It’s possible for you to do work you love, be very successful, find your passion, and build a life you love, and it starts with being able to think big.

…read more at How to Develop a Mindset for Success on Lifehack.org

According to researcher Carol Dweck, there are two types of mindsets: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.

In a fixed mindset, people believe their qualities are fixed traits and therefore cannot change. These people document their intelligence and talents rather than working to develop and improve them. They also believe that talent alone leads to success, and effort is not required.

Alternatively, in a growth mindset, people have an underlying belief that their learning and intelligence can grow with time and experience. When people believe they can become smarter, they realize that their effort has an effect on their success, so they put in extra time, leading to higher achievement.

…read more at Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset: What REALLY Matters for Success on DevelopGoodHabits.com

Two sticky notes about developing a success mindset - one says "new mindset" and the other says "new results"

You may have heard the idea that what we think or how we feel is a choice. No one gets inside our hearts or heads and does damage unless we permit them, goes the story. Don’t compare yourself to others, people proclaim. You were born with unlimited potential, and you need to adopt a better attitude about effort and success, so you’ve read.

These are some of the slogans of the growth mindset. And cliché or not, every one of them is correct. However, fixed vs growth mindset examples like the ones we’ll be discussing here take more than just simple belief. They require effort, focus, and determination to turn around.

You have to know that more than one outcome is possible, even one that you didn’t expect. Above all, these beliefs require you to realize that transforming them takes time, time, and then more time.

…read more at The Growth Mindset Choice: 10 Fixed Mindset Examples We Can Change on WabisabiLearning.com

Having a fixed mindset can hold you back, while embracing a growth mindset will lead to greater success and happiness. And you could have a growth mindset in some areas of your life but not others or have a fixed mindset when triggered by certain circumstances without even realizing it.

Brown, who helps hundreds of people overcome their fixed mindsets through her online programs and coaching, outlined the key differences between the growth and fixed mindset below. They are sometimes subtle, but understanding them will help you take your own mindset to the next level and crush your career goals.

…read more at 7 key differences between having a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset on TheLadders.com

Still struggling to clarify your success mindset? Check out our post on how to define success for yourself.